HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! I purposefully made this sign big so I can be big in positivity, happiness, peace, wealth, health, EVERYTHING!
One thing I've learned is that your life won't change unless you chose to change it. You can't magically get happiness if you're constantly sulking in the negatives. I know how hard it's been wrapped up in a negative mindset and how easy it is to continue to stay there but you cannot expect to have a better life if you live in that state. If you want things to change, you need to change them. If you're tired of going to bed at 3am, change it - put down your phone at 10pm and rest. If you're wanting to have better teeth, floss more. If you want your physical health to improve, exercise. I know, I know - easier said than done. That's ok - baby steps. Today you will go to bed at 2, instead of 3; then at 1, then 12 and so on. Make a plan for yourself and set some goals. You will get there, I promise!
As I've mentioned before in blogs, I never ever believed in goals. I thought it was a waste of time because of how much life changes, that there is really no point in setting a 'goal'. I started writing stuff down that I wanted to get by the end of the year (new shoes over $100, new purse, etc) and by the end of the year, I had everything! I just continued on with this tradition and it makes me really reflect on where I am and where I want to be. Here is my list for 2021:
1. Have good health - mentally, emotionally, physically. There have been a lot of things in 2020 that caused all 3 to be depleted but in 2021, I will come back stronger than ever.2. Have my wealth increase. I've realized how much I contribute and how much I get back. I know the current situation I'm in doesn't give back as much as I deserve so I hope in 2021, I find new success in wealth.3. Get another kitty! I have one cat already but I've been wanting another one for a while. I hope this year a kitten comes my way to stay with me forever!4. My relationship thrives in happiness and love. I am in love 10000% and I would like that to grow 1000x !! I have never been happier and cannot be thankful enough for the blessing that came my way!5. Floss more. Let's be real, this should be on everyone's list. I figure if I write it down, I will be more likely to commit to it.
I hope 2021 is a peaceful and happy year for everyone! I hope that it is 100x better than 2020. I hope every wish and hope you have for this year comes true!
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